Deck The Trees - Dreams Salon Spa image

Deck The Trees - Dreams Salon Spa

Vote for Dreams Salon Spa by donating online today!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Vote for Dreams Salon Spa by donating online today!

Vote for Dreams Salon and Spa by Donating between December 2nd and January 4th!

Every dollar raised through Deck The Trees benefits Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministry's (SVCM) Fuel Fund, so as you visit the trees in person or explore them on our website, pick out two or three of your favorite trees and make a donation in person at the tree’s collection box, online, or send a check made out to SVCM with "Deck The Trees - Dreams Salon" in the memo line. The address is SVCM, P.O. Box 235, Black Mountain, NC 28711.

All the trees are decorated around the theme, A Black Mountain Christmas. Look for Christmas tree icons in the windows of stores and businesses around Black Mountain and Swannanoa to indicate that inside is a whimsical, wonderfully decorated tree. We hope these trees will bring warmth, light, and joy to you as we close out 2021 and as we all work to help keep our neighbors warm.